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Cookie | Varighed | Beskrivelse |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytiske | 1 year | CookieYes sets this cookie to store the user consent for the cookies in the category Analytics. |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-andre | 1 year | This cookie is used to record user preferences based on GDPR Cookie Consent on other cookies. |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-reklame | 1 year | CookieYes set this cookie to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Advertisement". |
Cookie | Varighed | Beskrivelse |
_wpfuuid | 1 år 1 måned 4 dage | Denne cookie bruges af WPForms WordPress-plugin'et. Cookien bruges til at give den betalte version af plugin'et mulighed for at forbinde indtastninger fra den samme bruger og bruges til nogle yderligere funktioner, såsom Form Abandonment-tilføjelsen. |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-advertisement | 1 år |
Sat af GDPR Cookie Consent-plugin'et. Denne cookie registrerer brugerens samtykke til cookies i kategorien "Reklame".
cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics | 1 år | Sat af GDPR Cookie Consent-plugin'et. Denne cookie registrerer brugerens samtykke til cookies i kategorien "Analyse". |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-functional | 1 år | GDPR Cookie Consent-pluginet sætter en cookie for at registrere brugerens samtykke til cookies i kategorien "Funktionelle". |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary | 1 år | GDPR Cookie Consent-plugin'et har sat dette plugin. Denne cookie samler brugerens samtykke til cookies i kategorien "Nødvendige". |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-noedvendige | 1 year | CookieYes sets this cookie to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other". |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-others | 1 år | Sat af GDPR Cookie Consent-plugin'et. Denne cookie gemmer brugerens samtykke til cookies i kategorien "Andre". |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-performance | 1 år | Sat af GDPR Cookie Consent-plugin'et. Denne cookie gemmer brugerens samtykke til cookies i kategorien "Ydelse". |
CookieLawInfoConsent | 1 år | CookieYes sætter denne cookie for at registrere standardknaptilstanden for den tilsvarende kategori og status for CCPA. Den fungerer kun i samarbejde med den primære cookie. |
fragtpris | 1 måned | Lokal coookie, som registrerer valgt fragtpris. |
pbid | 6 months | Description is currently not available. |
PHPSESSID | session | This cookie is native to PHP applications. The cookie stores and identifies a user's unique session ID to manage user sessions on the website. The cookie is a session cookie and will be deleted when all the browser windows are closed. |
viewed_cookie_policy | 1 år | GDPR Cookie Consent-plugin'et sætter en cookie for at gemme, om brugeren har givet samtykke til at anvende cookies. Det gemmer ikke nogen personlige data. |
wp_woocommerce_session_* | 2 dage | WooCommerce sætter denne cookie for at lave en unik kode til hver kunde, så den ved, hvor den skal finde indkøbskurvdataene i databasen for hver enkelt. |
Cookie | Varighed | Beskrivelse |
_ga | 1 år 1 måned 4 dage | Google Analytics sætter denne cookie for at beregne data om besøgende, sessioner og kampagner samt for at spore hjemmesidens brug til analyserapporten for siden. Cookien gemmer information anonymt og tildeler et tilfældigt genereret nummer for at genkende unikke besøgende. |
_ga_* | 1 år 1 måned 4 dage | Google Analytics sætter denne cookie for at gemme og tælle sidevisninger. |
_gcl_au | 3 måneder | Google Tag Manager sætter cookien for at eksperimentere med annoncers effektivitet på hjemmesider, der bruger deres tjenester. |
Cookie | Varighed | Beskrivelse |
IDE | 1 år 24 dage | Google DoubleClick IDE-cookies gemmer information om, hvordan brugeren bruger hjemmesiden for at præsentere dem for relevante annoncer i overensstemmelse med brugerens profil. |
test_cookie | 15 minutter | sætter denne cookie for at afgøre, om brugerens browser understøtter cookies. |
Cookie | Varighed | Beskrivelse |
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | 6 months | YouTube sets this cookie to measure bandwidth, determining whether the user gets the new or old player interface. |
VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA | 6 months | YouTube sets this cookie to store the user's cookie consent state for the current domain. |
YSC | session | Youtube sets this cookie to track the views of embedded videos on Youtube pages. |
Cookie | Varighed | Beskrivelse |
last_pys_landing_page | 7 days | PixelYourSite plugin sets this cookie to manages the analytical services. |
last_pysTrafficSource | 7 days | PixelYourSite plugin sets this cookie to manage the analytical services. |
pys_first_visit | 7 days | PixelYourSite plugin sets this cookie to manage the analytical services. |
pys_landing_page | 7 days | PixelYourSite plugin sets this cookie to manages the analytical services. |
pys_session_limit | 1 hour | PixelYourSite plugin sets this cookie to manage the analytical services. |
pys_start_session | session | PixelYourSite plugin sets this cookie to manage the analytical services. |
pysTrafficSource | 7 days | PixelYourSite plugin sets this cookie to manage the analytical services. |
sbjs_current | session | Sourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website. |
sbjs_current_add | session | Sourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website. |
sbjs_first | session | Sourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website. |
sbjs_first_add | session | Sourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website. |
sbjs_migrations | session | Sourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website. |
sbjs_session | 1 hour | Sourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website. |
sbjs_udata | session | Sourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website. |